Thursday, February 5, 2015

Practical Christian Living

What a blessing Ephesians is! Chapter 4 is packed with truth- hence the numbered list.

1. The plight of sinful man: The Gentiles (which are not saved) "walk" (or live as defined yesterday) in vanity of THEIR mind (selfishness), have their understanding darkend, are alienated from God, ignorant, blind, and have sacrificed themselves to lasciviousness (sensuality), uncleanness (opposite of purity), and greediness. What a pitiful plight of the sinful man. Let us not forget our sinful condition which we are all saved from!

2. The Lord tells us as Christians to "put off the former conversation [lifestyle] of the old man ... and be renewed in the spirit of your mind" and then to "put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." (the opposite of the description of the lost man in point 1). This is a literal changing of garment. We are to put off our sinful lifestyle and literally put on Jesus Christ- we should be an obvious testimony of Christ's salvation and work in us. Another note- the verb "renewed" gives the idea of a daily dedication.

3. "Be ye angry and sin not-let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil." Why are we to be angry? Let's think about what constitutes righteous anger. Example- protesting abortion at an abortion clinic in a loving way without violence or aggressiveness. It is righteous to have anger over the innocent lives being taken and the mothers who are lied to and hurt in the process- it is sin and its consequences seen at its worst. However, it is not our job to break out a whip or turn over tables. Why did The Lord do this? It was His House! It was to be a house dedicated to His glory and worship and what was there? Greed and unrighteousness in His Holy dwelling. This is why Jesus was right in His anger and actions. He alone is God and He alone had the right for this response. Another important point- resolve anger that minute because, if you don't, anger will fester inside and give the devil a foothold to keep you from your relationship with Christ.

4. Most Spirit led point of the evening: v. 30 " And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." An essential counterpart to the verb "grieve" is "quench" as seen in I Thessalonians 5:19 "Quench not the Spirit." Quench is the verb which we perform and grieve is the verb of the Holy Spirit's response. We quench when we do not "let the Holy Spirit burn in our heart and drive us to live and witness for Jesus" and in response, the Spirit grieves or  "feel[s] sorrow or pain" and "proves the personality of the Holy Spirit who is said to grieve at the sins of Christians." (Quotes taken from Mounce's Compete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words). Just as the flame in the wilderness, so is the Holy Spirit a flame in our hearts. When we quench that flame, our relationship with The Lord is effected, and we are not allowing the Lord's power to fill us up and fulfill his will. This causes the Spirit to literally mourn over the fact that we did not depend upon Him for our strength.

5. Perfect ending: " Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." We open this section of Ephesians 4 with the depravity of the sinner, and end reminded of it. We are to be kind, sensitive to other's needs and forgive regardless of the wrong even as God forgave all of us- the very ones who nailed Him to the cross with our sins.

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