Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Sweet-Smelling Savour

Ephesians 5 is undoubtedly packed with truth as the other chapters are, but I felt like the Spirit specifically led me to the phrase in verse 2 " and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour." I searched it out using several different study books and here is what the spirit revealed.

1. The word savour means fragrance or aroma. (Life Application Study Bible) The Greek meaning of the word has great significance! The word is osme. which "means aroma, odor." In this case it is coupled with the phrase sweet smelling or euodias which means "fragrant" which leaves us with the phrase a "fragrant aroma." In this verse, the sacrifice of Christ in His death on the cross was seen as acceptable to God for the sins of the people therefore being a "fragrant aroma" to God. (Quotes from Mounce's Expository Dictionary)

2. The significance of the word osme goes even further as seen in 2 Cor. 2:14-16. "The idea of osme [is] ... a life -giving or death-giving force. " 2 Cor. states: " Now be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: to the one we are the savour of death unto death and to the other the savour of life unto life:"  Therefore, to those that hear the gospel and respond, the savour or testimony of Christ in us is a life-giving force as they are now a child of God with hope of heaven. To the person who rejects the gospel, our savour or testimony of the gospel is a stench to them, and they choose death spiritually instead.

3. How could I not go back to OT sacrifice thinking of a fragrance or aroma? Immediately I began to think of the temple and remember upon the altar of incense. While the exact words used in the original text may not be the same, the concept of incense providing a sweet-smelling savour which is acceptable to God is the same. This is because a sacrifice in the temple was our atonement prior to Christ coming and being the final and complete sacrifice for our sins. I was able to draw from a Beth Moore Study on the topic of the altar of Incense entitled " A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place." The Next point will reference the altar of incense and the Holy Spirit dwelling in us in relation to the altar of incense in this study.

4. The altar of incense was the last piece that remained before the vail in front of the holy of holies. It was to have incense burnt on it every morning and evening. Looking through Scripture (e.g. Psalm 141:2, Rev. 5:8, Rev. 8:3) it is made clear that the incense and savour it produces are prayers. Why are prayers so important? "Prayerlessness is a sin because: it causes us to forfeit some of God's precious gifts to us, it makes us much weaker when tempted, it causes us anxiety, and it closes our ears to God." The Beth Moore Study then took me to the example of the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50 who broke her box of perfume, and wept over and cleaned Jesus' feet. This is a true example of a fragrant aroma to The Lord! Her example gives us a practical example of fragrant worship.

A. " Fragrant worship is costly. It comes only when what is deep inside is lavished on Christ. B. Often , the fragrance of worship cannot truly be released until the vessel is broken. c. Fragrant worship is not hindered by others. D. Fragrant worship places us in a right relationship with God. E. We cannot out-sin our God's ability to forgive. " (Beth Moore study)

Wow! What has the Spirit taught me today?

1. Christ's death on the cross and resurrection was the ultimate sacrifice and ultimate sweet-smelling savour to God because it is acceptable to him.
2. The sweet-smelling savour in the OT came from the altar of incense which was done daily and is representative of prayer to The Lord.
3. We as christians should have a sweet-smelling savour in our actions to glorify God which also produces a testimony for others.
4. Our goal in worship should be fragrant worship. Broken, completely dependent on God, and thankful for all He has done! Glory to the Father!

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