Thursday, October 29, 2015

Instrument or Servant

Everyone wants to look back on their life and feel fulfilled- like they accomplished something worthwhile. Even Erikson confirms this in his famous life stages, with those 65 years and up facing the struggle of integrity vs. despair. In II Kings 9 and 10, we find the story of Jehu, his assignment of God, and his reign as king of Israel which was the longest reign while the kingdom was split.

Jehu's story starts as the captain of the army of his predecessor. Elisha sends a servant to anoint Jehu and inform him he is to be the next King. God uses Jehu to then remove all of Ahab's family and also to remove Jezebel which was foretold by Elijah long before. (Ahab was the most notoriously evil king mentioned in I Kings and dealt with Elijah).

While this is a bloody tale, the point of it was that God wanted Baal worship removed from His people and Elijah had prophesied the fulfilling of this long before. They needed to be purified. Since this was before Jesus came to the earth and died for our sins, purification had to be found literally. This was because Israel was to show God to others in the world as His chosen race. They were to be pure and committed to the Lord. Jehu obeyed the Lord in this respect and removed all of Ahab's family which eliminated all of the Baal worship.

Then, Jehu becomes an instrument of the Lord rather than a servant of the Lord. He readily went and destroyed anyone in His way for His throne. This was an easy command to follow of the Lord, because He felt that he was in control and would receive everything He wanted. However, he did not become what he had the potential to be- a king which would shine with the glory of God to purify Israel and finally eradicate all idol worship. He was happy with his kingdom and his control. He though things couldn't get any better. So- he settled for mediocrity because he was in charge and that was good enough for him.

Problem is, he forgot he was anointed by God to remove all idol worship and cleanse Israel. He got rid of Baal all right, but he didn't get rid of these golden calves that his people worshiped which had been existent since before Baal came around. According to Life Application Bible, his reasons could have been: " . . .his people would have traveled to the Temple in Jerusalem in the rival Southern Kingdom, and worshiped there, [the golden calves] had a longer history in the Northern Kingdom and were valued by all political factions . . . the golden calves were thought by many to be visible representations of God himself, even though God's Law stated clearly that such worship was idolatrous." So he said, 'God, you got me here and I'm good, so I'll take it from here.'

What a blessing he missed out on. As a result, his kingdom was reduced dramatically and he died- end of story. How many times do we think our control is so important that we cut God's will out of the plan? I know I've been there. I've been stubborn against God when I was desperately trying to hold on to control when God had so much more in store. What is your control worth to you? Is. 64:4 states, "For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him." Jer. 33:3 states, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." And let's not forget one of our favorites to misuse when we want things to go our way! Ps. 37:4"Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Ps. 37:23: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD; and he delighteth in his way."

Are you simply an instrument of the Lord? You let God in but you limit His area of control. You follow black and white commands, you go to church, you give to missions, you volunteer to help in Awana, but all the while you are driven by your own ambition- your "kingdom." Unfortunately, our ambition is often presented as God's will and only leaves destruction in its path. Only God can see the beginning and the end. Why not rest in Him and let Him lead you? Why not see what God's plan is for you in His kingdom? Why wouldn't you want God to control your life- the God who created you, loves you, and is longing to reveal His glory in you- the great I AM- the one who parted the Red Sea, the one who shuts mouths of lions, the One who longs to do the "great and mighty thing which you know not" in your life? Be a servant and see the glory!

Please click on the link and meditate on being held!

"Just Be Held" by Casting Crowns 

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