Saturday, August 29, 2015

Looking for a Miracle

The OT is full of stories of great battles and great displays of the glory of God: just to name a few, the parting of the red sea and the battle of Jericho. I was able to study one of those great displays of the glory of God recently in I Kings 18.

Here we find the triumphant victory of God through his prophet Elijah over Jezebel's prophets to Baal. In a great display of God's power, a fire is sent down which consumes the sacrificed animal, the altar, and a large amount of water that had been poured over the altar per God's instruction given through Elijah. King Ahab was even impressed as all the people of the land said "The LORD, he is the God; the LORD he is the God" after falling flat on their faces in praise to the Lord. After  that, Ahab follows Elijah's instruction as Elijah prophesies the coming of rain in the land. After this wonderful display of the power of the LORD, Ahab runs off to Jezebel and BLAMES ELIJAH in a negative sense to Jezebel for killing her prophets of Baal.

In I Kings 19, we see a scared and defeated Elijah. He runs for his life after Jezebel threatens him and becomes severely depressed. He states in v. 4 "O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers." We've all been there right? Woe is me, don't you see what I've done for you God? Why do I have to run for my life and be lonely? The Lord then sends an angel to feed Elijah and commands him to Mt. Horeb.

Mt Horeb is so significant because it's where Moses met with the Lord in person and received the Ten Commandments. The Lord speaks to Elijah there and says "What doest thou here, Elijah?" What does Elijah respond? " I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy propets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life to take it away." How many times does this guy say I or my? He's not concerned about being jealous for God because His people are worshipping other gods. He's concerned about the bottom line- why He is having to deal with all this adversity after He's done such great things for God and obeyed Him in the face of complete opposition.

The Lord responds by telling Elijah to prepare himself to experience the LORD. What happens next is a great wind and then an earthquake, and then a fire! All ways the LORD has communicated to others before! But the Scripture specifically states, the LORD was not in these events. How does the LORD come? "and after the fire [came] a still small voice . . . and said What doest thou here Elijah?" and what does Elijah respond? " I have been very jealous for the Lord" but I, my, I, etc. Same song, second verse. He's not getting the picture right?

The Lord basically responds, no Elijah, you need to go back and you need to do what I tell you. And by the way, you're not the only one that is serving me- there are others in this fight, don't lose heart, you are not alone! (v. 18) The Lord allows him rest, then confronts him with his sin, then encourages, and sends him back to accomplish His will.

Maybe you're where Elijah was. I know I've been there recently. Take a rest in the Lord, allow Him to show you the error of your attitude and direction, let him fill you up, and do His will everyday.

The Lord had just won an enormous battle and allowed Elijah to be the servant to accomplish His will through this, but the Christian life is not based on huge supernatural and awesome experiences. What is our mission as Christians? Micah 6:8 "The Lord hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee; but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." That's it. That's the secret to the successful and joyful Christian life. What counts is the everyday concern for the souls of others, the love for others like Jesus has, and the daily submission to the commands and will of God.

Will you have great supernatural experiences in God where He shows His glory like a beacon in the night? Absolutely! But if you're living from awesome experience to awesome experience you're missing out on the substance of true joy. The greatest victories in Christian life are when God shows you a special lesson in your study, or gives you a special encouraging friend, or blesses you with a refund on a bill so you can make ends meet that month. The LORD is present and ever-working, but maybe you're missing Him because you forgot the basics. Rest in Him and obey Him and I promise your joy will be full! Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD everyday!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Personal Mission Statement

The book of Micah is pretty intense. The people of God certainly were not acting like it- just to name a few issues that were pointed out by Micah- plotting to do evil, coveting, thievery, murder, taking bribes, distorting the truth for others, etc. While Micah is pretty harsh on the leaders (and rightly so since they lead the people to sin and then had the gall to ask for God's help when things got hard) the people should have also spoken up for what is right. In Micah, we find a wonderful nugget to apply to all ages for all Christians. Our ministry is to be three-fold if you are a Christian.

Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good:
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?

God literally says "I've already told you what to do, you just need to do it!" This brought me to what Jesus stated His ministry was on earth. In His own personal mission statement in Luke 4:18-19 we find it. Let me set the stage. Jesus goes to the synagogue on Sabbath and he was to read from Isaiah. Isaiah had already prophesied these words. The verses state:


He then follows that up with v. 21 which states, " .... Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." The men in the synagogue in v.22 respond: "And all were speaking well of Him, and wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips;and they were saying , "Is this not Joseph's son?" So obviously they were shocked because Jesus was the son of a carpenter which was not looked upon as anything of high social status in that time and yet He just stated he was the fulfillment of prophecy. Keep in mind these people did not have the New Testament, only the Old. This was all the Scripture they knew!

So how does the ministry of Jesus relate to us?

-Doing justice: Jesus specifically stated that His emphasis was on the poor, captive, blind, and oppressed not just literally but spiritually as well. We should share the gospel with all as well as help meet the needs of those who can't meet needs for themselves. Remember, when Jesus extended salvation to others he met their practical needs (healing the blind, lame) before he told them to sin no more

- Loving kindness: Are you kind to the unkind? Are you kind to the people who hate Christians? Who work at Planned Parenthood? Who get promotions and have lied and cheated to get them? Do others see the love of Jesus through you? Jesus loved all, even the thief on the cross. His salvation is for all and His love is for all people. Why else would he sacrifice His only son and put the weight of all sin on Him? Are you practically kind and loving to all? Furthermore, do you love to be kind to others who don't deserve it?

-Walk humbly with our God: Jesus stated he was here to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord- in other words bring Himself and His Father the glory deserved. Our primary focus is the be the glory of the Lord. Are you humble in your every day dealings? In submission to the Lord? In admitting your power comes from Christ alone?

The Lord has told us what to do so let's do it! Make this Scripture you personal mission statement. Justice, Kindness, Humility- all glory to God!